Portfolio Management & Value Creation
Easily track, analyze and report on the performance of your portfolio companies & investments.
An out-of-the-box portfolio monitoring, business intelligence and value creation tool for private markets.
Centralized Monitoring of Portfolio Data
Collect Financials, KPIs and ESG Data
Asset & Security-level Cashflows & Returns Calcs
Flexible Data Entry via Excel Plugin, Uploads & Direct Input
Automated Data Collection from Portfolio Companies
Track & Approve Portfolio Data Submissions
Visualize portfolio data through dashboards & charts
One-click Portfolio Analytics (by Geography, Sector etc.)
Set & Manage Value Creation Initiatives
Integrated Reporting to Investors
Scenario Analysis & Returns Modelling
Portfolio Data Metrics
Track your Portfolio Companies’ Key Metrics
- Centralized tracking of individual company /asset-level portfolio data
- Monitor key metrics including financials, KPIs and ESG data
- Automated workflows to enable efficient collection of portfolio metrics and data on a periodic basis
- Analyze your investment performance at the asset, fund, portfolio and firm level
Portfolio Dashboards
Unlock Insights on your Portfolio through Dynamic Dashboards and Analytics
- Out-of-the-box portfolio data analytics and visualization functionality
- Gain insights by analyzing and comparing data across your companies, assets and funds
- Easily aggregate financial, KPI and ESG metrics across assets and funds
- Create custom dashboards, reports and charts relevant to your firm
Asset-level Returns
Calculate Asset-level Valuations and Returns
- Perform valuations of assets in a fund / portfolio
- Automatic and error-free returns calculations
- Track valuations and returns over time
Integrated Investor Reporting
Report your Portfolio Data to Investors at the Click of a Button
- Share asset-level performance data with your investors
- Provide engaging charts, descriptions and performance information on your portfolio to investors
- Seamless integration with your Investor Portal allows you to do this at the click of a button