Streamline fund and asset level data management, transaction bookings and reports & notice generation
Track fund, asset & security level cashflows and accounting transactions into our customizable chart of accounts
Easily book capital, asset, valuation transactions and perform investor equalizations and transfers
Split transactions using flexible allocation / waterfall rules by LP
Automatic generation of capital account positions and LP-level performance calculations (e.g. Net IRRs, MOICs, DPI, RVPIs)
Bulk generate notices (e.g. capital call, distribution and capital account statements) using customizable templates and email / publish to the Investor Portal
Generate reports (e.g. quarterly reports, ILPA reports etc.) and stream fund accounting and portfolio data into MS Excel in real-time using Atominvest’s Excel plugin
Manage investor account, entity, contact and commitment details using our integrated Investor Services CRM
Track investor entity compliance, AML/KYC and tax documents by investor entity
Enterprise connectivity with bi-directional API, data warehousing integrations and AI enablement features
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